A disordered psychic or behavioral state resulting from severe mental or emotional stress or physical injury
The Mission Our Mission is to facilitate the healing process.
Through educational, physical & emotionally supportive programs for those who have experienced traumatic events

The word Strong has several meanings, “possessing skills and qualities that create a likelihood of success.” “Powerfully affecting the mind, senses or emotions.” At Vegas Strong, we understand that emotional, physical and psychological trauma occurs to several of us, and for some it is accepted as a normal part of daily life. If not addressed, this trauma can have many negative side effects. Vegas Strong was established to help facilitate the healing process and to expose the Strong person inside all of us. Our goal is to provide a safe and trusting environment in which the healing process can be fostered.
How we accomplish our goals:See exactly how we accomplish our goals.
Step 1. Education and evaluation
All of our volunteers are screened and complete trauma sensitivity training courses.
Step 2. Assess & build trust
In order to initiate the activities best suited for the individual and provide an environment where you feel safe we start with building a trusting rapport between our members and volunteers/mentors
Step 3. Unveil the Strength within
Through different methods and activities, combined with mentoring and education we unveil the Vegas Strong person within!
The GoalWorldwide vision. Local impact.
Everyday people of all ages experience traumatic events. These events include natural disasters, mass shootings, being involved in a toxic or abusive relationship, losing a parent, child or other loved one close to you, being bullied and many others.
The severity and length of the experience often determines the amount of damage it does to the individual. We are all individuals, and therefore cope and heal differently.
At Vegas Strong our vision is providea safe, trusting environment to initiate the healing process and guide and support you in your journey finding the Strong person inside you!

The Latest Social ping’s@VegasStrong we keep it Real”>
Vegas Strong presents The Healing Art Class
June 3, 2018The Random Act that keeps on giving.
March 3, 2018check us out in Snap
February 20, 2018The InfoOur stats at a glance.